Sealer before or after painting?

Want to know whether to apply sealant before or after painting? If you’re decorating a room, sealant will be a key ingredient to add the finishing touch. But if the sealant/paint order is wrong, you can ruin the final look.

When it comes to painting baseboards, windows and doors, sealant is usually applied first. Generally, the sealant is applied to the woodwork prior to painting if the sealant line will be visible after the job is completed and the paint has dried, which includes the sealant around windows and doors.

In which order?

Applying sealant before painting will allow you to hide the sealant under a layer of paint. You should always let the sealant dry at least an hour before applying paint or stain. However, in some situations, it can be applied after painting. The sealant can be applied after painting if it is hidden behind molding or trim.

However, it can be painted after sealing. Sealant and silicone are both sealants, but they are often confused – you need to use the right one for painting.

When and why is sealing important?


Sealant is a flexible waterproof sealant, ideal for filling small gaps that appear around door frames, window frames and baseboards. Sealing the baseboards prevents water from getting behind them and into the walls, which could damage the plaster.

Sealing windows, doors and trim prevents unsightly openings and drafts, making your home more energy efficient and ensuring a clean and even finish between walls and trim.

Professional help

It’s a relatively simple task for a painter and decorator who will gladly take on the sealing. However, remember that this will increase the cost of painting the room. In addition, it will extend the task completion time. Before starting work, talk to your specialist about costs and time.

What if sealant and paint are applied in the wrong order?

Applying sealant after painting has its drawbacks. If sealer is applied after painting, it can lead to an undesirable finish. Applying sealant before painting allows it to be hidden under a layer of paint. If you paint the surface before applying the sealer, the sealer may change the color and appearance of your paint. If you make a mistake, there is a chance to fix it. To fix poorly done caulk, it’s important to start with a clean slate, this means you’ll need to remove the old layer of sealant. To do this, run a razor knife along the top and bottom seals as close as possible to the line between the sealant and the surface.

Then take a spatula and try to scrape the entire line of sealant with one piece. This will save you time scraping small pieces. After removing the sealant line, thoroughly clean the surface with diluted bleach and allow it to dry completely before beginning a new caulking job. An alternative solution is to use a specialized sealant removal tool, but make sure you check out our guide on the effectiveness of silicone removal tools before opting for this option.



Errors in the order in which sealant and paint are applied can lead to unsatisfactory results. That is why it is so important to properly understand the process and know the most effective methods. Remember that you can always consult a professional for help and advice. Your home is an investment that deserves proper care and attention. Remember that proper planning and the right sequence of actions are the key to achieving a professional look and durability of the finish.

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