Plasterboards and their advantages and disadvantages

Plasterboards are an increasingly popular material used in construction, and their advantages attract many investors. Gypsum is a natural mineral material, which in the form of a plate is covered with paper. Thanks to the fact that it does not contain harmful chemicals, it is environmentally and health-friendly. In addition, they have many other advantages.

Drywall is an environmentally and health-friendly material that allows you to finish the room quickly and easily. However, you should remember about their disadvantages, such as low resistance to moisture and mechanical damage. Before using plasterboard, it is worth carefully considering the conditions in the room where it will be used.

What to consider when planning?

It is worth paying attention to the ability of gypsum to absorb moisture from the air and give it back, which has a positive effect on the climate in the room. In addition, thanks to this specific property, gypsum is a very good fire-retardant material. This means that even thin boards can provide sufficient protection for the structure in the event of fire. Drywall is also almost perfectly smooth and has an even surface. This makes them an excellent substrate for various types of finishes, such as paints, wallpapers or ceramic tiles. In addition, these boards are easy to process, which allows them to be easily adapted to the required dimensions, and damaged boards can be easily replaced.

What to look for?

Unfortunately, drywall also has some disadvantages. They are not resistant to direct contact with water or highly humid air, which causes swelling and the need for replacement. In addition, this material is relatively soft and brittle, which makes it susceptible to mechanical damage. Another important thing to pay attention to when planning the use of plasterboard is their proper installation. Please note that these boards should be fixed to a suitable supporting structure, such as steel profiles, wooden studs or metal frames. It is also important to properly secure the joints between the boards to ensure the durability and stability of the entire structure.


In addition, acoustic and thermal issues must also be considered. Drywall can help improve the sound insulation of rooms, especially if the right insulation layers are used. In the case of thermal insulation, it may be necessary to use additional insulation materials to improve the energy efficiency of the room.


Drywall has many advantages, such as environmental friendliness, ease of installation and the ability to adapt to different dimensions. Their disadvantages, such as low resistance to moisture and mechanical damage, should also be taken into account. When planning the use of these boards, it is worth considering room conditions, proper installation and additional acoustic and thermal considerations to achieve the best results.

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