Loggia – reversed balcony

A loggia, or also a recessed balcony, are architectural elements that are not often found in single-family houses. Designing a loggia is a task that requires attention and knowledge in the field of construction. Moreover, moving the wall separating the loggia from the interior may lead to a reduction in usable area and create problems with the ceiling structure above the lower floor. In the article we will discuss the functions of the loggia and the details related to its construction.

Loggia functions

A loggia is a type of balcony, partially cut into the shape of the building. Usually more secluded and protected from weather conditions than a traditional balcony. Loggias can perform various functions:

  1. Recreation space: The loggia can be a cozy place to relax. Protection from rain and sun makes it the perfect place to read a book or drink your morning coffee.
  2. Garden: You can arrange a garden in pots with flowers or plants. It is a perfect place to contact nature.
  3. Storage: Additionally, it can serve as a utility room where you can store garden furniture, tools or other items.

Loggia construction


The construction of a loggia requires taking into account several key elements:

1. Wall construction: If the loggia is adjacent to a heated room, it is necessary to properly insulate the walls.

2. Insulation: This is protection against heat loss and moisture condensation. The loggia can be insulated using polystyrene or mineral wool.

3. Slab structure: The loggia slab serves as a ceiling and must be solidly designed. It should be located so as to allow for an appropriate difference in levels between the loggia and the interior.

4. Waterproofing: Protection against leaks is a key element of loggia construction.

5. Balustrade: If the loggia is at a certain height, a balustrade is necessary to ensure safety. The balustrade structure should be stable and meet safety standards.

6. Finishing materials: Depending on the style of the building, finishing materials may include ceramic tiles, wood or other suitable materials. The choice of materials should take into account durability and aesthetics.

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