How to remove old wallpaper?

When it’s time to freshen up your interior, removing old wallpaper can be a task that requires patience and care. The type of wallpaper that decorated your walls will affect the difficulty of the entire process. Therefore, it is worth finding out how to efficiently and effectively remove old wallpaper to prepare the surface for new wallpaper or painting.

How to remove old wallpaper? – type of wallpaper

One of the key factors influencing the difficulty of removing wallpaper is its type. Not all wallpapers respond to the same removal methods. Here are some examples:

  1. Vinyl wallpapers: These wallpapers are durable and moisture-resistant. Unfortunately, their durability makes removal a challenge.
  2. Fiberglass wallpapers: This type of wallpaper is relatively resistant to mechanical damage and moisture, which may make it more difficult to remove.
  3. Multi-layer paper wallpapers: The more layers of wallpaper, the more complicated the removal process.

Preparing Tools

Before you start removing wallpaper, make sure you have the right tools. Here are some of them:

  1. Knife: You will need a knife to gently peel off the edges of the wallpaper.
  2. Painting putty: A putty knife will help you remove wallpaper, especially in hard-to-reach places.
  3. Wallpaper scraper: This tool helps you mechanically remove wallpaper.
  4. Spiked roller: A spiked roller is useful for puncturing the wallpaper, which facilitates the penetration of chemicals.


how to remove wallpaper

In addition to mechanical tools, it is worth purchasing appropriate chemicals. Water-dilutable preparations are commercially available and usually come with detailed instructions on the proportions to dilute.

Sample Process

  1. Preparing the wall: Start by removing any decorations or nails from the wall surface.
  2. Pricking the wallpaper: Gently prick the wallpaper with a spiked roller. This will make it easier for the chemical to penetrate.
  3. Chemical application: Apply the chemical to the wallpaper using a sponge or soft brush. Make sure the dilution used is in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
  4. Mechanical wallpaper removal: Once the chemical has taken effect, you can start removing the wallpaper using a putty knife and scrapers.
  5. Removing Adhesive: Once you have removed the wallpaper, you can deal with the remaining adhesive on the wall. Sandpaper can help with this part of the process.

It is worth mentioning that there are also modern solutions, such as steam devices, which significantly speed up wallpaper removal. Their prices start from around PLN 60. In summary, the process of removing old wallpaper can be challenging, but with the right tools, chemicals and patience, you can do it yourself. Remember to always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for chemicals and tools to achieve the best results.

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